The Arts and Cultural Alliance of Newport County offers an Artist Award of $1000 to support art projects that benefit our community.
Applicants must be a member of ACA.
Applicants (Artists, Organizations) must reside in Newport County.
Projects can fall into any artistic genre category: fine arts, visual arts (illustration, graphic design, multimedia), performing arts, the literary arts (creative writing, poetry), music (performance, composing), theatre. Other artistic “sub-genres” may also be considered.
Project must be available to the public.
Bricks and mortar activities and capital improvements, or for the purchase of permanent equipment.
Eliminating or reducing existing debt, or for contributions to an endowment fund.
Fundraising efforts, such as social events or benefits.
Prizes and awards.
Hospitality expenses, such as food and beverages for openings or receptions. Under no circumstances will the purchase of alcoholic beverages be supported.
Events or projects completed prior to the date of the award or more than 6 months after the date of the award.
Activities which are part of a graduate or undergraduate degree program, or for which academic credit is received.
Applications for projects that proselytize or promote religious activities, or which take place as part of a religious service.
Performances and exhibitions not available to the general public, or which are inaccessible to people with disabilities.
Project must list ACA as a supporter in all promotional materials.
Funds must be used within a year of the award.
Application Details
Application and all support materials are due March 15, 2025 for the Spring Artist Award.
Materials should be submitted electronically to: (subject: ACA Artist Award Application).
More Information
Finalists will be informed via e-mail approximately four weeks after the due date.
For more information e-mail (subject: ACA Artist Award).