Deadline for the application and all support materials is: Friday, May 9, 2025
The $2,000.00 Tinney Family Arts Scholarship will be awarded by the Arts & Cultural Alliance of Newport County to a serious Arts student who is a senior in high school (any high school or “home-schooled”) who lives in Newport County (Jamestown, Newport, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton), RI.
The Arts applicant must excel in an area or areas of the Arts including but not limited to: fine arts, visual arts, (illustration, graphic design, multimedia), performing arts, the literary arts (creative writing, poetry), music (performance, composing), theater. Other “sub-genres” may also be considered.
The Arts applicant must have plans to continue Arts education after graduating from High School in one of the Arts areas outlined above.
Application Requirements
Submit a one-page cover letter that describes your “artist’s statement” vision, involvement in the Arts, future plans and community outreach. A resume including an academic transcript should be included. (Please include all of your contact information in your cover letter: phone #, email address and US mailing address).
Submit two letters of recommendations from a current teacher, professor, coach, mentor or director.
Submit a portfolio of your work in any format (electronic, digital or photographic).
Other evidence of recognition of your exceptional ability in the Arts should also be attached.
The recipient of the Tinney Family Arts Scholarship should be prepared to present their work at the annual event “Raise UP the ARTS” of the Arts & Cultural Alliance of Newport County that will be held in June 2025.
Materials should be submitted electronically to: newportarts@gmail.com or mailed to:
Arts & Cultural Alliance of Newport County, PO Box 4334, Middletown, RI 02842.
When submitting work by email, please put Tinney Arts Scholarship: (Your Name) in the subject line.
More Information
The works will be judged on the quality of work samples, artistic development, personal vision, innovation, originality, versatility and creative ingenuity.
The finalist will be informed via email.
For more information please email: newportarts@gmail.com