
olivia brennan

2020 Tinney Family Arts Scholarship recipient

Portsmouth, RI

2021 UPDATE from Olivia Brennan:

“I’ve been involved with Newport Children's Theatre and Portsmouth High School's Drama department all throughout highschool. I've acted in three/four shows per year. I have sang with Saint Mary's Church Choir (Newport) and been a part of RI Allstate Chorus for several years. 

My senior year, I was Music Director for Portsmouth Middle School's "Frozen JR." Which gave me great experience working with kids and teaching. I also produced and directed "A Cabaret of Newport Children's Theatre" A cabaret fundraiser for NCT featuring present and past NCT actors performing some of the best numbers from each NCT show from the last ten years. I, along with my classmate Teagan Degroen, put together and directed a senior showcase for the PHS class of 2020, thus giving us an excuse to say goodbye and thank you to the performing arts department that has given us all so much. I also directed and edited a video to support the BLM movement over the summer, The video included PHS Vocal ensemble singing "Prayer of the Children" with visuals from the protests accompanying it. 

I am now doing a student design major of Performing Arts Administration at Rhode Island College. I have been hard at work, taking 11 classes each semester and learning as much as I possibly can. I am involved with the RIC concert Chorus, an amazing group led by Tereasa Coffman who has taught me so much. I have also been focusing on studying Opera and Classical Music. I'm going to continue working hard, and hopefully produce more projects in the future! Thanks!”- Olivia Brennan

Olivia has participated in many arts groups in the past 10 years. She has performed with the Drama Club at Portsmouth High School, starred in plays with Newport Children's Theatre, taken classical voice training lessons, sang in choirs where she was also the section leader, and acted as a Cantor in local churches. Olivia also directed and produced a “Virtual Showcase” to honor seniors at Portsmouth High who are involved in the arts. Olivia also organized an elaborate event honoring Newport Children’s Theatre, bringing together current and former students spanning several generations. In preparation for this event, she planned and directed rehearsals, working with young children, peers and adults with true skill and ease. She plans on attending Rhode Island College (RIC) where she will study to obtain a Performing Arts Administration degree.

“Performing Arts is a very important part of culture, and it has the power to change and shape a person to be a better and more productive member of society. It definitely has done that for me. The arts have brought me friends, an understanding of others feelings, a creative outlet, better knowledge of myself, self confidence, and a passion I will carry for the rest of my life”. —Olivia Brennan